Endless Paradigm

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so it's playable now. anyone gonna play it?
I'm giving it a go. pretty interesting. however i find gun hard to aim. guess i will have to use the monster hunter claw again.

Character Creation
-Name (Press Select to switch to english alphabet)
-Codename: This name Displays on your character (Press Select to switch to english alphabet)

Start Menu
-Mission Menu: Display Mission Details
-Player Stats: Displays Player Stats
-Items: Items Currently Held
-Ammo: Ammo Currently Held
-Camera Options x4
-Return to Main Menu

-Storage Box
-Currently Held Items (Triangle: To Storage/Square: Sell/Select: Arrange(?))
-Storage Items
-Combine Items(?)
-Combine Items(?)
-Equipment Box
-Stats Page: Let's you Change Equipment
-Upgrade Equipment: Let's you upgrade Weapons/Equipment, each subsection is just a different page on this menu (Triangle: stats/image)
-Buy New Equipment: Let's you create new Weapons/Equipment, each subsection is just a different page on this menu (Triangle: stats/image)
-Customize Hair Style/Color
-Ammo Box
-Unknown (Haven't figured out this much T_T)
-Unknown (Also clueless)
-Save Game
-Trade Items(Appears to be trading items for in multiplayer?)

General Store

-Buy Items(Held)
-Buy Items(Box)
-Buy Ammo
-Buy Weapons
-Sell Items

As far as game controls they can generally be learned from the game's tutorials but generally they are pretty much as follows, I might have missed some things, there is quiet a bit packed into the control scheme!

Thumbstick: Movement
D-Pad: Adjust Camera/Aim well holding L in Gun Mode
L: Tap to Center Camera behind you
Hold L: Locks on Target/Gun Mode active, well go into Aim Mode
R: Switch between Blade/Gun Modes
Hold R: Run
R+Circle: Shield Mode
Cross: Jump/ Double Jump/ Cancel on Menus
Circle: Dash with Blade/Roll with Gun/ Confirm on Menus
Square: Attack/Shoot
Triangle: Attack/Shoot
Hold Triangle: Charge up Predator Mode attack well on Blade mode active/Holding with Gun mode active to open up ammo inventory (Square: Use Item/ L & R: rotate between items)
Select: Item Inventory (Square: Use Item/ L & R: rotate between items)

rar, here's some basic gameplay mechanics I've figured out, I honestly don't know everything, but this just just some basic stuff I thought might be helpful.

HP: Health Bar (Obviously)
OP: Not sure what it stands for, but OP is drained when you shoot in gun mode, but it's replenished by switching and attacking in blade mode, so juggling between the two is effective.
ST: Stamina Bar - Running, attacking, dashing and such will use this up a little, it replenishes fast when not being used, but using it all makes your character temperately stop for a breath.

Predator Mode: By scoring a successful nomnomnom in Predator mode, you'll recover some OP, but you'll also be charged up letting you access your blades special attack (a charging slash) or a special shot well in gun mode. Also well charged up from noming some god you dash faster, and gives you access to your double jump. Honestly I don't entirely understand all the benefits

Reviving Partners: When a character has fallen you can revive them at the cost of some HP, simply by holding circle well standing next to them.

predator is when you basically eat the enemy. can only perform when they are down.

getting used to it. >_> damn i want a new PSP

What is this?
feinicks Wrote: [ -> ]What is this?


An action/adventure game for the PlayStationPortable.

Quote:The game's gameplay has been noted as extremely similar to the gameplay of Capcom's Monster Hunter series of video games,[2]  however unlike the Monster Hunter series the game possesses a large storyline which can be experienced fully with names and voice actors in single-player mode. Players play as a young warrior who has decided to go up against a powerful yet mysterious creature called Aragami; Warriors who go up against this creature are given the name God Eater.[2]  The game boasts a mission-based single-player mode consisting of more than 100 missions inclusive of co-operative play with up to three teammates over local adhoc wireless multiplayer or AI-controlled teammates. The North American version of the game will also support the PlayStation 3's adhoc Party.[1]  The game also features character creation allowing customization of hair style, hair color, face, skin, clothing, voice as well as weapons using special materials. Weapons are divided into three basic classes: Blade, Gun and Predator. Weapons can be easily switched instantly as part of the game's Deus Ex Machina system.[2]
k k..
so europe/american release soon? because im keen to try it....
gonna give it a go when I'm finished with birth by sleep.. been wanting to play it since I first saw it.
I got the game i need people to play with DX its soooo lonly in the online lobby >_>
lmao its ad hoc only, and this is out now it was out yesterday, when i read the info board i was like OMG!!!! and downloaded it immediately, im in fudgeing love with god eater
bah i preorder it i need people to play with as soon i can get a element each of a blade >_>
also have no clue what you mean AD hoc only i have it for psp
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