Endless Paradigm

Full Version: DSL vs Broadband
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^ for a home connection that's ridiculous.

i had like to have cable,. but i am stuck with dsl,. Redcard
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]DAMN THIS PRIMITIVE COUNTRY! xD

At least you don't have download quotas.

Over here, you buy internet, and it always comes with some crappy download cap (typically like 20-100GB, depending on the cost of your plan).  
Want a bigger cap? - pay more money (typically gets you like 20GB more every $10).
Want unlimited? - go buy some unlimited 1.5mbit line for like $150+/month.  Ignore that fast AAPT line that seems surprisingly cheap, there'll be a catch to it.
Want fast and unlimited? - sorry, not available. go buy a business line (looking at $500+).
^ I do feel sorry for you ^^'
can you find the AAPT catch?
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
can you find the AAPT catch?

Haven't really searched, but I'm thinking there has to be one, seeing how out of line the price is compared to all the others.
I think I'll go with Broadband, I used to have dial-up and the difference is very noticeable
[Image: 739675651.png]
[Image: 687950786.png]
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
can you find the AAPT catch?

Haven't really searched, but I'm thinking there has to be one, seeing how out of line the price is compared to all the others.

it probably has very limited coverage.

Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]I think I'll go with Broadband, I used to have dial-up and the difference is very noticeable

DSL isn't dial-up...

Awesome speed up though :D
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]I think I'll go with Broadband, I used to have dial-up and the difference is very noticeable

DSL isn't dial-up...

Awesome speed up though :D

My vote was randomly chosen, and I wasn't sure on which was which so I googled it
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]DSL isn't dial-up...

Most DSL modems I've had to deal with need to dial up when  started, so technically it is dial up, very fast dial up
DSL is a form of broadband. i think you  mean cable internet vs DSL
cable, hands down lol. fiber optics if available.
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