Endless Paradigm

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trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]absolutely. i can't go without my 4chin SUCK!

Really? I rarely go there, maybe I should go more often see what all the fuss is about >__>
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]absolutely. i can't go without my 4chin SUCK!

Really? I rarely go there, maybe I should go more often see what all the fuss is about >__>


Well, it's the 18+ section that you shouldn't go to... Unless you like hentai...
please do it changes your life
just make sure you are 18+ and make sure nobody is watching you (your gov.)

and prepare yourself mentally cause i lose my mind there
not worth it.

Trade you might have gotten a virus from the site itself.
does anyone get perma eXx1l3d from 4chin SUCK? i don't think people who post CP even get perma eXx1l3d...... says lots bout moot and the rest of the dumbchocolate mods there....
i don't care i just want my b back!
maybe i change my ip?
wow i did not recognize you trademark!
the R avatar was kick donkey ima miss it
should i put the r avatar back then?
only if you want too i dunt care that much but im gona miss it
eXx1l3d from 4chin SUCK?

that's a kick in the crotch like no other
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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