Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [VOTING] diego vs Lunar
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Lunar Wrote: [ -> ]Sweetness, great battling with you diego.

Great battling with you Lunar!
What? It's over
Well, congratulations on your victory lunar Gongxi
nice sigs the both of u :D
very close battle. Nice sigs, both of you. :D
Poll Closed.

Lunar is the victor - but only just!

What an astounding number of votes!

Cue the next battle!
Congrats Lunar!
diego Wrote: [ -> ]Congrats Lunar!

why thank u! Flatterd

Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]but only just!

Do i need to slap you or something?
Lunar Wrote: [ -> ]
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]but only just!

Do i need to slap you or something?

maybe Hihi
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