Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My cousin loves me....
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Oh wait.  The answer is in the "Random" thread.

Though I could be wrong...

Also "????" were you "God"?
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]Its clearly proffessional

hahahaha i was gonna post the same thing.

but people have to get random pm's from ???? first
WHAI YOU DLETE MAH POST? I NO SAY BAD TING, I ONEEY SAY KINDA BAD TING :( I no like when ppl delet me writing when I try to tell the riter of thread wat is true!
theEvilOne Wrote: [ -> ]WHAI YOU DLETE MAH POST? I NO SAY BAD TING, I ONEEY SAY KINDA BAD TING :( I no like when ppl delet me writing when I try to tell the riter of thread wat is true!

speak english, and i deleted it because it wasn't necessary.

keep that in the random insanity section
She is 13... she has no idea what she wants, as others have said. You are close to her age, you are both close, and she likes you. She is just trying to find some way to alleviate her weird feelings. You did well not to go any further.
just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
???? Wrote: [ -> ]Drink shady is right thanks bro (im serious u knocked sence into me i turned her down )

im glad,
also i hope i didnt sound like an asshole

just think about how you guys would feel afterwards? or maybe 10 years down the road.

this is the type of thing that make people go to years of therapy to try and "get over"
Dude. Don't.
For one thing, she ain't legal. It ain't worth getting in trouble and possibly having to pack soap on a rope just to get some sex. Turn on the charm, and hit something a little older.
Two, it's kinda wrong to do your cousin. Think of any potential offspring you might have, accidental or no. Inbreeding raises rates of genetic defects in children.
At the very least, wait until she's 16, or whatever legal is where you are, and have another think over.
i say professional. considering he keeps saying "4chin suck"

but say "4chin" out loud it sounds like "fortune".

lol. my 4chin sucks man. it says that a piano will fall on me today. I'm expecting it right n- *crunch*
it's aspheric

: loli, miku obsessed, used to be God
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