I still don't know why I'm so unlucky

I don't know why this should happen to me

what does god want from me

my friend called me and said "I'm bored lets go out for a ride" I hadn't gone out with him for nearly a year and then while I was turning a fudgeing car with a bunch off asshole's in it tried to turn stupidly with a handbrake the bastard couldn't control the car and he smashed into my car and then he fudgeing ran away and i couldn't catch him he fudgeed up my car his car was a KIA Pride and mine was a Nissan Patrol i still can't believe how his fudgeing car could damage a car like mine so much

it's like a bicycle hitting a tank I am totally depressed now

I swear if i find him I will run his car over and kill him

Don't worry, wait it out, it'll get better.
Sucks about your car....
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]damn man that sucks donkey balls
also, needs pics
That is exactly what I was going to say :D
and yes, that does suck dude, I think revenge is in order, and hopefully you can get it fixed at a cheap price, or fix it yourself in the end.
Good Luck!!

that's actually quite funny and it sucks big time as well :P
Yeah I don't care much about what happened to my car actually the worst part is that my dad is already angry enough at me for fudgeing up my exam's and this was the worst thing that could happen he's really trying to hold him self not to tell me anything

but sooner or later he's gonna explode on me I'm just glade that the crash wasn't really my fault and I really couldn't have done anything about it and also my father's going out of town tonight although he wasn't made at me yet I still haven't got any of my grade's but when they come I'm doomed!!

and this was just what my father needed and also can't let go of my revenge tomorrow I'm going to start searching the whole city to kill these guy's!

bad luck dude, i hope you find this guy and beat the balls off him
Don't be too upset over stuff like this because something much worse could have happened.
Hopefully the fudgetard turns up.