Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Laptop+Extra RAM=Explosions?
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So my dad found a random RAM chip when he was cleaning the house the other day, I looked at it and remembered it belonged to a friend of mine. It turns out he bought an extra RAM chip to install in his PC but never used it because he bought a larger one, so he doesn't need this one that I have now. I've been looking online but haven't found any straight-forward answers--what I want to know is if it's possible to install this extra RAM into my laptop.


Acer Aspire 4530
AMD Athlon 64 X2 dual-core processor QL-60 (1.9 GHz, 1 MB 12 cache)
GeForce 9100M G Turbo Cache

256MB DDR 333MHz

So what I'm guessing is that the answer is no, seeing as how my laptop runs DDR 2 and the extra RAM is only DDR. Thought I'd go ahead and ask anyways.
what's the point it's 256MB DDR it'll make virtually no difference =_=

and im 99% sure that your laptop will only have 2 slots and they'll both be full. one with a 2GB and one with a 1GB
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]what's the point it's 256MB DDR it'll make virtually no difference =_=

and im 99% sure that your laptop will only have 2 slots and they'll both be full. one with a 2GB and one with a 1GB

I was more curious than anything.
theEvilOne Wrote: [ -> ]the answer is no, seeing as how my laptop runs DDR 2 and the extra RAM is only DDR.

There you go.
It won't explode, but if you break some of the pins on the DDR RAM to get it into the slot, not much will really happen due to DDR2 being lower voltage.

However, if it was the other way around, you may start a fire (but no explosions - only Dell seems to be able to start those).
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