Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Rhoto eye drops...
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so who has tried the worlds best eye drops

if you havent go out and try them now

but please set up a camera first to record the greatness that will follow

i personally hate it when people ask to use my eyedrops

but now that i have these bad boys I'll gladly share.


eye orgasm.
don't you hate it when you are using your rhoto and a elephant kick you in the nuts?
Why do you need eye drops?
j_p_24 Wrote: [ -> ]Why do you need eye drops?
ummmmmmm Smokingg
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]don't you hate it when you are using your rhoto and a elephant kick you in the nuts?

Indeed I do!Erk
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]don't you hate it when you are using your rhoto and a elephant kick you in the nuts?

Indeed I do!Erk

it's like the most annoying thing ever.

a thread about eye drops
I need eye drops right about now. My sister is looking at me funny and my brother said it looks like my eyes are bleeding.
that aint spoon...
I once stayed up so long gaming my eyes weren't even white anymore
my right eye physically hurt on the right side...
Like I'm sure I broke a blood vessel
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