Sick_Demented99 Wrote: [ -> ]It sounds like that would make your eyes burn...
they do, that's the whole point.
to laugh at friends when they put them in
all i can find about em on the net is that they're great after you've got high and you need to stop your eyes from looking red.
"rohto drops are like demon piss, but they leave your eyes pearly white"
Green Cap - Cool (Weakest)
Blue Cap - Ice (Middle)
Silver Cap - Arctic (Satan Strength)
^point taken.
high + hayfever = very red eyes.
woops. lol.
Shady545 Wrote: [ -> ]Sick_Demented99 Wrote: [ -> ]It sounds like that would make your eyes burn...
they do, that's the whole point.
to laugh at friends when they put them in
Yeah, I figured the Mint ones would burn. But other than that I find videos about how great they are.
She's sounds baked also...
muhahahah i got my hands on the silver arctic one ( statan strength )
i went to like 4 stores to get them
i got my mom to put them in
Shady545 Wrote: [ -> ]muhahahah i got my hands on the silver arctic one ( statan strength )
i went to like 4 stores to get them
i got my mom to put them in
that's brutal xD
Bought the Arctic one today, it burns..... but i like it ~_~
-EsTi- Wrote: [ -> ]Bought the Arctic one today, it burns..... but i like it ~_~
im in the same boat.
i can feel the cool sensation with the arctic "flavor"
but the ice just burns, and clears your eyes
hahaha sidenote, i got my boss to put these in today.

Got to get the hydra one, looks intense.
i know not of such things?
i had hard enough time finding these