Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Worst Virus Ever!! [hoax]
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Chain emails I get always stop at me mahah. Proud
Chain mail? its no virus!
[Image: 2mchdsx.jpg]

[Image: 4kgoxw.jpg]

Still can't read Shady's font,. 
it'll probably be my hotmail account that suffers from this problem which doesn't bother me cause that's become my junk account anyway.... I've stopped using msn because of the 'foto' virus driving me insane so i won't even need that email anymore.... no-one knows my yahoo-mail account so i probably won't be getting many emails like this in future... thanks for the warning though... you can never be too safe these days...

edit: the thing i hate so much more than chain-email are fudgeing chain-texts.... those things always piss me off...
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