Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Made a sig. Been a long time.
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Pages: 1 2
So hmm yeh. I haven't made a sig in aaaaaaaaaaaages.

Giving away. Whyowhy

[Image: sig1copy.png]


[Image: sigv2copy.png]

By the way this is not just a fractal that has been cropped.

Claim it please.

images aren't appearing :/
nope. not at all.
404 as well =O
good I thought it was just me lol.
./xitherun.sh Wrote: [ -> ]good I thought it was just me lol.

ha me too....refreshed like 37 times :D
Whoops double you tee eff.....I'll reupload.
You'll all be disappointed.
Updated for your perlesure.
hehe they look good method. nice work
Yeah, they look nice, I like the second one Madwin
Pages: 1 2
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