Endless Paradigm

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Influenced by Diego's vectors and digipaints I decided to do one quickly :D

[Image: eraserheadsmallcopy.png]

c&c? :D HeyyouKnock-knockKnock-knock
STATIC!! Madwin

don't like the hair though,. its to chunky at the edges,. unreal,. but this chunky look looks very good in the eyes,. ;)
(Hair is to chunky/blocked,.)


Did you use CS5 or other editor?
That face man... Blur
Great job Method!! only thing didn't like was how the mouth looked, but other than that it looks great! Madwin
Thanks guys :D
The hair is supposed to look crazy that's why it's all clunky :P
Cheers thoughghghghgh :S
Method Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks guys :D
The hair is supposed to look crazy that's why it's all clunky :P
Cheers thoughghghghgh :S

yes,. i get that,. but its bit ugly chunky now,. imo,.

vector looks awesome Madwin
I like it. The eyes look like sheeps eyes which adds to the weirdness.

@Vegetano. Your font is trippy...
whoa... O.O

trippy indeed.. the hair :p
Great job buddy

It's fudgeing epic
Thankayouze guys :D
@PSPKiller sheeps eyes are so weird to look at! :S I like that comparison though :P
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