Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]DSpider Wrote: [ -> ]Come on... How often do you go to the recovery menu ?
- to enter flash0 for making a theme
- to make pandora battery
- to edit configuration eg region, battery charge, etc
- to manage plugins i had got alot of plugins :)
do like to see some other feaure's updates,. liek entering recovery from UVSH and maybe the ability to add your own 01-12.bmp ;p
- Yeah, Flash0 themes are dangerous. CXMB can load custom themes from the memory stick, which is MUCH safer. And there are tools to deal with .ctf files, CTFtool_GUI comes to mind. Try messing with the flash on a PSP 3k. See how far that gets you.
- Not every PSP can create a Pandora battery (I'm talking about the millions of hardware revisions sold in the last two years or so). Also, there are other tools and plugins (Ultimate VSH Menu?) you can use to make one.
- I don't see a use for a region change because only UMD movies are region locked, games are region FREE. You can buy a game in Dubai and it will work on a PSP from Italy. Battery charge ? Come on... Maybe Sony didn't include the feature to charge the PSP
while using it for a reason. You can find it in the XMB at System Settings - USB Charge.
- Managing plugins is EASY. Just add a "1" at the end of every line in vsh.txt or game.txt and reboot the PSP from the VSH menu. Much quicker. I know, I know, this works better for
enabling new plugins (after you copied them to the seplugins folder) not
disabling them.
Only reason would probably be the "Speed up MS access" feature in 5.00 M33-6 to see if it makes a considerable difference in performance (which it sometimes does, especially with fake memory sticks or MicroSD/M2+adaptor setups). Another reason, which would have something to do with why it's called a RECOVERY menu, is to be able to recover from something that prevents getting to the XMB, like a bad theme or plugin gone haywire.
What other reasons are there ? I mean, how often do you access your computers BIOS ? Especially once it's set up just the way you like it.
With URM v2.0 I can't switch between regions.
It just says "normal"
Other than that it is really nice.
Vegetano1 Wrote:also i like the way the USB connects in this recovery,. by the way
I noticed that too. With the normal recovery menu, I mean.
My computer acts as if I inserted a different memory stick... It's probably just a different driver - which is a good thing if the flash was tampered with and you can't boot into the XMB. That D_A knew what he was doing when he created the recovery menu. Anyways, I like the normal recovery. It's more of a "don't mess around here", "hack-ish" kind of look. This one just sugarcoats it.
And beats me why this is a sticky... :-? Guess one of the moderators thought it was cool. Yeah, maybe like once a month you need it. Maybe.
DSpider Wrote: [ -> ]Vegetano1 Wrote:also i like the way the USB connects in this recovery,. by the way
I noticed that too. With the normal recovery menu, I mean.
My computer acts as if I inserted a different memory stick... It's probably just a different driver - which is a good thing if the flash was tampered with and you can't boot into the XMB. That D_A knew what he was doing when he created the recovery menu. Anyways, I like the normal recovery. It's more of a "don't mess around here", "hack-ish" kind of look. This one just sugarcoats it.
And beats me why this is a sticky... :-? Guess one of the moderators thought it was cool. Yeah, maybe like once a month you need it. Maybe.
you would only use it once a month..
Others (including myself) find it useful.
Why all the flaming of this plugin ?

ive been downloading the xmb style recovery menu since they released it,
and i must say i love it

but i want custom theme like background and ive done that but when i try changing the wave, i manage to put it in system_se.rco and its blank when i start it back up (any idea's)
mh, it always says "error flashing" :(
Mythos Wrote: [ -> ]mh, it always says "error flashing" :(
Hmmmm. I haven't actually had a chance to install this, but it it is giving you a problem flashing it, couldn't you just take the recovery.prx and write it to flash yourself?

Cool Recovery Menu but I'm using the Recovery Menu of Zer0 :)