Endless Paradigm

Full Version: XviD4PSP v4.114
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Winnydows released a update for his video converter XviD4PSP

    * Fixed few bugs.
    * Program now compiled with new engine - VS Orcas.
    * In Windows Vista now used default open-save dialogs.
    * Updated x264 and mencoder.

To run XviD4PSP, you need to have at least version 2.0 of Microsoft's .NET Framework installed on your PC Winnydows cautions that XviD4PSP may run into some problems if you have a codec-pack installed and suggests that you install ffdshow only. XviD4PSP also conflicts with Microsoft Office Groove and may conflict with the programs in the Nero Video suite.

[Source:Winnydows Website]

Mehh i still use PSP Video

Anyone use this?
Used it once or twice.

Mainly download it for the updated x264, though, I typically find there ain't much a difference between newer builds.  Meh, at least makes you feel it's better than jonny's originally modified x264.  Unfortunately, the newer ones don't have the modification which will spit out the rate/scale variables... :(

If you didn't understand what I was going on about, don't worry.
Cool, best psp video converter for me.
i prefer PSPVideo9 and WinAVI MP4 video Converter :P
this is the app I use some times.
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