Endless Paradigm

Full Version: me thinks IE & Chrome is up to something
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okay so as some of you may know EP has recently been stuffed up.

well its stuffed up for me on firefox, (what i mainly use)

and as some of you may know my font pwns IE and Chrome.

so like i said i think they did something fishy so i would have to use one of them to visit EP
thus being pwnt by my own pwning....

* Shady divides by 0...

major deja vu when writing this. i had a dream months backs about writing this very thread. and some may know i remember my dreams quite vividly, so this is tripping me out
They are all to get you...
They are all to get you...
They are all to get you...
But wait!!...your font appears as normal on Opera and EP is stuffed up on Opera as well...Hmmm
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]But wait!!...your font appears as normal on Opera and EP is stuffed up on Opera as well...Hmmm

o.O i wouldnt even touch that with your computer....

(that joke sounds better when talking about an ugly chick..)
Your font appears quite normal in Chrome on Linux.
./xitherun.sh Wrote: [ -> ]Your font appears quite normal in Chrome on Linux.

mere technicality seeing as your install of linux didnt have the font
Quote:IE & Chrome
Or Microsoft and Google.  No-one mentioned Safari (prolly cause no-one uses it) but I wouldn't be surprised if Apple is in the bunch always pulling shenanigans.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:IE & Chrome
Or Microsoft and Google.  No-one mentioned Safari (prolly cause no-one uses it) but I wouldn't be surprised if Apple is in the bunch always pulling shenanigans.

those apple guys, always up to something.

weird how i post this thread and moments later the problems fixed...

im onto you guys..
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:IE & Chrome
Or Microsoft and Google.  No-one mentioned Safari (prolly cause no-one uses it) but I wouldn't be surprised if Apple is in the bunch always pulling shenanigans.

lol i use it... is that bad? everything looks fine no problems on my end
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