Has anyone come across the official workshop manual for the PSP? I've found heaps of sites with tutorials, but I'm sure there must be an "official" one that the monkeys use to replace all those bricked mobos...
I've googled it to death!
Have you asked sony. I bet they got 1.. You must be able to get 1 or are all broken PSP sent back to Sony.
I don't think they'd hand them out to just anyone - afterall dismantling the PSP is in breach of warranty etc. I was hoping someone here was "on the inside"...
I wish i was and if i was i send it to you or something similar
Hmm, obtaining "inside" material is often near impossible...
Stuff like Sony's UMD Tools are actually distributed, so it's easier to find a pirated version for that. But I highly doubt Sony would let out a copy of it's own guide to replacing mobos (just like it won't give out it's private encryption key).