Endless Paradigm

Full Version: WOW! (Ubuntu 10.04 related)
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Well what should I say, I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 Final on my main PC and it boots in 11 seconds! Furthermore everything worked out of the box, just installed the ATI drivers for my 5770 and it's just beautiful! Oh and about the boot time, no I don't have a SSD, it's a generic SATA drive. Anyone else got experiences yet?^^
Got meself a SSD and installed win7 x64,. its def waaaaaaaaaaiy faster then my previous x86 win7 install,. Blingeye

maybe no 11 secs boot,. i dunno how fast,. dunno about linux boot times either(win VS linux),. and also any fresh install is fast,.you should try and see how fast it is in a few month's or so,.
11 seconds, timed from the end of the BIOS POST sequence (the motherboard loading stuff)?

Sounds pretty good, especially with Windows (with drivers) seeming to be unable to go under about 20-30 seconds on a typical HDD.
It's 11 secs from the moment where I press ENTER in GRUB^^ but yeah I was surely amazed, Win7 takes about a minute :P
Yeah, I was very surprised with the boot times of 10.04. It's awesome. ;D
[Image: mrpopo.jpg]
I need to install it soon.
Oh and what I didn't mention, it's a WUBI virtual HDD install!^^
Gonna give it a whirl.
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