Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Everything is a bit... centred...
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Tried it out on Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and IE. Only on IE does it not center everything, but on all the browsers it doesn't show  the
Home/Forum/Live Chat/Downloads links or the banner >__>, can't access my CP Sadist
looks fine to me.

using FF 3.6 (something)
Templates all messed up. Looks like all padding is gone.
still fine. (Slick_Pro theme is okay still)
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]still fine. (Slick_Pro theme is okay still)

Not for me it's not...
ff 3.6 is fine for me as well as IE
maybe a new user bug?
Hmm... I'm using Firefox 3.6.3 and everything seems fine to me...

[Image: internetbrowserscreensh.jpg]
this is also fudgeed up for me too.

im on firefox 3.something

also the forum index starts right at the shoutbox, the banner and all the other stuff above it isn't showing up
I think I might have a bit of an idea of the issue, but I need to go to a lecture right now >_>

Thanks for reporting and providing the info - I'll investigate later.
Alright, does it still occur?
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