Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Do you consider him a hero?
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Metal_Head95 Wrote: [ -> ]Well thank goodness the bomb turned out to be a dud.  So... in that case, no one is the hero?  Because there was never a threat?  I end these in question marks because, I wonder myself.  But I think everybody involved who stopped this mess from happening deserves the title hero.  The pedestrian and the cop, because without the information from the pedestrian and the cop taking action, then the threat could've turned out to be something worse.

But the cop was just doing his job. If he'd ignored the information, or seen the bomb and not reported it, I'm sure he'd have lost his job, if anyone found out about it. Also, if the bomb had been real.

Basically, it feels like no matter what, it would have been either a reward or a punishment. If he'd gone above and beyond the call, and like dove onto a grenade, or taken on gun-toting 2 terrorists, by himself, when he could have just stayed out of it, then yes, he'd be a hero in my eyes. However, he was just doing his job, without showing any real form of bravery (except the presence of a bomb), other than reporting the threat.
Hellgiver Wrote: [ -> ]
Metal_Head95 Wrote: [ -> ]Well thank goodness the bomb turned out to be a dud.  So... in that case, no one is the hero?  Because there was never a threat?  I end these in question marks because, I wonder myself.  But I think everybody involved who stopped this mess from happening deserves the title hero.  The pedestrian and the cop, because without the information from the pedestrian and the cop taking action, then the threat could've turned out to be something worse.

But the cop was just doing his job. If he'd ignored the information, or seen the bomb and not reported it, I'm sure he'd have lost his job, if anyone found out about it. Also, if the bomb had been real.

Basically, it feels like no matter what, it would have been either a reward or a punishment. If he'd gone above and beyond the call, and like dove onto a grenade, or taken on gun-toting 2 terrorists, by himself, when he could have just stayed out of it, then yes, he'd be a hero in my eyes. However, he was just doing his job, without showing any real form of bravery (except the presence of a bomb), other than reporting the threat.

That's true.  I didn't think about the "Above and beyond" part.  I guess I wouldn't know who to call a hero in this situation, if there really even is a hero.  I guess the cop feels like one now, because the situation was defused, for the lack of a better word, because of him.  I guess I wonder now if he really would have went above and beyond if there was real bomb.  If someone were to ask the cop that, he would probably say "Of course I would!"  So, I guess I don't know who to call a hero, if anyone should be called a hero. IMO
if he saved something precious to me, he's my hero.

if he give me something really important, one that's worthy, he's my hero. regardless of what he is.
boogschd Wrote: [ -> ]i suppose no.

its all publicity anyway :/

^that really. good that it didn't blow.
The government wants us to not notice something they did but what could it be?
they are using this as a distraction...
it almost sounds silly to freak over a car
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