Endless Paradigm

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What does going all the way entail?

Does it mean, orgasming or actually the whole act of sex.
I ask this question because my friend Amy, believes that going all the way only means ejaculation.

I am in a situation where she adamantly believes she is correct and I adamantly believe she is incorrect. Wee arrived at this situation when wee were questioning one of my bi-curious friends actions,

I firmly stated

"No he didn't go all the way no, he didn't have sex with that guy, he only did oral and the guy ejaculated. That doesn't mean going all the way."

then she replied

"You're wrong Eisen, he did go all the way because going all the way has two contexts"

I then curtly replied

"No, you're wrong, going all the way only means one thing and that means a home run, makin' whoopee,  grand slam, to dine in the Y, etc etc."

On another note, she likes to dye her hair blonde from time to time.
Methinks her blonde hair is getting to her. LOL! (pun intended)

So again back to the question. What does it mean?
I always understood "all the way" as just meaning the initiation of intercourse... not any particular act during it.
Going all the way? Depends....if you're alone it could be different from when you're with someone else Hmmm
I think "Going all the way" definitely means having sex.  I've never heard of it meaning "ejaculation." Lol
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]Going all the way? Depends....if you're alone it could be different from when you're with someone else Hmmm

in this case, it is with someone else
oh, well usually in that case going all the way, usually means having sex >__> could be wrong though
Obviously, going all the way would imply that there would be nothing left to do, or you'd be going past the point of no return. I'm of the opinion that it would involve getting a chick/getting yourself pregnant.
The oral thing was kind of a shocker.  Mostly because it involves to guys lol, but I'm not homophobic.  

Anyway, going all the way definitely pertains to actual intercourse or in this case the initial sex act.  How much farther can you go?  Ejaculating is not exactly "All the way".  You can prematurely ejaculate before you even start sex, and that definitely means you didn't do anything.  Well not for the sex partner of course...
Metal_Head95 Wrote: [ -> ]The oral thing was kind of a shocker.  Mostly because it involves to guys lol, but I'm not homophobic.  

Anyway, going all the way definitely pertains to actual intercourse or in this case the initial sex act.  How much farther can you go?  Ejaculating is not exactly "All the way".  You can prematurely ejaculate before you even start sex, and that definitely means you didn't do anything.  Well not for the sex partner of course...

Premature is not fun
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