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Full Version: PRXDecrypter Hack: Play the Latest on CFW
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Quote:Chinese developer, hrimfaxi, has successfully decrypted the key that’s tagged 0xD91613F0. What does that mean? It means that new games like Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker are now playable on your custom firmware-enabled PSP. Mind you, it’s a process…

Released is a modified version of jas0nuk’s PRX Decrypter. Grab that and UMDGen below, grab the UMD you want to backup and play, and follow this:

   1. Dump the UMD by whatever means necessary and copy the encrypted EBOOT.BIN to ms0:/enc.
   2. Run PRXDecrypter and choose the “Decrypt/decompress files” option.
   3. When that is finished you’ll have a decrypted copy of EBOOT.BIN in ms0:/dec.
   4. Copy and replace (overwrite) the original EBOOT.BIN with this newly decrypted one.
   5. Run UMDGen and build a PSP compatible ISO using the dumped files.
   6. Copy the ISO to your memory stick and get down!

This is confirmed working for the Japanese release of Peace Walker. Lets hope the North American release utilizes the same protection. If you have any other titles unplayable on your hacked PSP then try repeating the above steps; PRX Decrypter may hold the decryption keys you need.

source  hacks

Its a good idee :) there is really no need for a 620gen,.. sony is way behind with all the Custom/homebrew extra's on 550gen anyhow,.. and i don't think the "PSP game engine" has changed in any firmware higher then 400,. or even lower,.. haha all wee need is a good decrypter/(550gen enabler) voor agmes like this :)
peacewalker can be decrypted using edecrypt, lol

but yeah some games can't easily decrypted like kingdom hearts bbs
so far i have no use for this.

since all the games for 6.20 so far have worked on 5.50 GEN
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]so far i have no use for this.

since all the games for 6.20 so far have worked on 5.50 GEN

probably meant for the idiots who think 5.00m33 is far superior to gen :-/
Wait this prx decrypter is newer that 2.4b version ?

EDIT: Nevermind i found my question. Madwin
krystabegnalie Wrote: [ -> ]peacewalker can be decrypted using edecrypt, lol

but yeah some games can't easily decrypted like kingdom hearts bbs

Then doesn't work with KHBBS? Kantoi
You already tried?
I really don't have any interest in newer PSP games after the Japanese release of MGS: Peace Walker.

I might use this though, if the US version of KH: BBS has been released.
peacewalker can i decrypt with edecrypt 1.4 ;)
does any one try this at kingdom hearts BBS and God eater?
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