Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Droid/Milestone or Nexus One?
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exactly folks, Symbian is a loss right now and Nokia is too lost - I like the support Android is getting and I.. well... don't like apple.

New Samsung fones are using that Badu OS which was a bad idea from the start.

ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]the Nexus One is going to be replaced by the Nexus Two soon enough because it tanked harder than well, a tank. Bit has that 1GHz Snapdragon CPU. If you're fine with either a wait for the next one, or getting one now and having a software keyboard, get this.

Nexus one is the only phone to beat the iPhone 3GS in Cnets Test and well the Nexus Two...

Quote:According to Andy Rubin the next Nexus series phone will be targeted for business users and may have a hardware keyboard.

So the "upgrade" I guess would be the HTC Droid Incredible > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droid_Incredible

Still.. I've been waiting to see what phone would come on top since November and all that's happening is a constant flow of phone refreshes. I know any phone I get will be out of date in a month xD
nokias new n8-00 out in june runs symbian os 3
^ I know. that's why I don't want it. xD
symbian = lol
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