Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
If you can be bothered (and care), you can complain to them.

But yeah, you noticed it this time, but there's lots of things like this that you don't always notice, and you never know what's happened.  I've been to restaurants (mainly Asian ones) where the bowls/plates they give you seem to have some remnants of a previous meal.
I guess you just have to be ignorant of these things and hope you don't get sick...
Fine with me, at least I know its clean :)
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]
xero1 Wrote: [ -> ]
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]
xero1 Wrote: [ -> ]I didn't buy any popcorn. If I did get sick sure, but I have a.... Damn it what do they call that thing that makes you feel bad when you lie?? :p

Not sure but I think it's your conciousness >__>
@Topic, I wouldn't complain, unless it contaminated the popcorn or I were to get sick from it, then I would complain

My what? conciousness? Is that like when you can't poop for a week?

Yeah, I don't care much. Windex evaporates very fast, so I can't see getting sick. It's just if the use too much and make popcorn right after I could see it getting in. It's like steaming your popcorn in ammonia.

lol, no the word for that is constipation :),
consciousness is like something that makes you feel bad whenever you do something that's not right,for example lying...
or at least that's how I refer to it, maybe others have another way of referring to it

... no...
consciousness is, i'd say, the state of being aware of your surroundings, and interpreting them in a specific way. There are multiple forms of consciousness.

A CONSCIENCE is that little fucker on your shoulder who tells you that you shouldn't have 'borrowed' that lollipop from the 2 year old.... then fudgeed her mom.
should have used something organic, i don't like ammonia mixing with my heart attack popcorn
It is not OK with me of course. Ammonia is ammonia, and it is a a chemical. Who wants to have a cleaning chemical to their food anyway? At standard temperature and air pressure, ammonia gives off a gas than can be toxic. Excessive ammonia inhalation can be harmful to your health. Burning of the eyes, nose and throat can signify excessive ammonia inhalation. Another symptom may be a dry cough. This is usually your first visible sign to get away.
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