Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Go! Clock For Fatties Plugin Released
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[Image: 1409lkm.jpg]

Homebrew coder DeViAnTe has released Go! Clock For Fatties Plugin for PSP.
This plugin allows PSP 1000, 2000, and any PSP 3000 running cfw to use the cool looking PSP Go! clock.


- Activate like any other plugin
- In xmb, press L+R+SQUARE to bring up the clock
- Press O return to XMB

[Image: DOWNLOAD.gif]

news via: PSP Scenebeta
Sweet plugin, thanks for sharing shizzy
very nice..
but you were faster than i.,,
freaking sweet plugin! will try it soon!
This looks awesome! Will use nao! Madwin Thanks for sharing Mr. Shizzy, wouldn't have known about this if you hadn't shared
nice plugin but i ask myself is it possible to change the graphics somehowHoho
it looks good but........................ It doesn't work well with cfw extender plugin Drink
frankzito Wrote: [ -> ]nice plugin but i ask myself is it possible to change the graphics somehow

frankzito Wrote: [ -> ]nice plugin but i ask myself is it possible to change the graphics somehowHoho

+1 Specky
here is my imagination of the clock
i made this in photoshop
[Image: goclock.png]
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