Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Blazblue Wallpaper
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So, i may be the only one who took a liking to the continuum shift character art because everyone just looks so much gar now. So in tradition, i needed a wallpaper to show my support; which i could find none of so i decided to make my own.

There was a lot of originality vs just do what everyone does (C4D sPa/\/\, random dots, lensflare, etc) and i decided to go with splatters and i type of vectorized background. I know, it's not that great; i was trying to look for artwork from the original game or the character symbols, but alas i turned up empty. I didn't plan on ripping a random background or space shot and sticking it behind the characters because it'd be wayyyy to incoherent.

I don't feel that it's awesome right now, so maybe i can take some suggestions on improving it; i used jin, ragna and noel because they're all family <3.

Oh yeah, about the renders; they were VERY DAMN SMALL when i got them; so i unfortunately had to upscale them by 200% and try to reconstruct it back to a sharp image from a blurry mess; imo i think i did a pretty good job but you can still see artificating and blur >_>

[Image: blazbluewallcontinuumsh.jpg]

i LOVE the splatter effect!!!!!!!!

full of win
I think it looks cool ^^

Eh, but it's not as awesome as my sol background because you have conflicting colors (Ragna = Red, Noel + Jin = Blue) so it's hard to get it all to smoosh together and work.

thanks for the comments guys!
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]Eh, but it's not as awesome as my sol background because you have conflicting colors (Ragna = Red, Noel + Jin = Blue) so it's hard to get it all to smoosh together and work.

thanks for the comments guys!

well im red green colorblind, so t looks fine to me :P
it works. I like it.

The splatter effect looks fine when scaled down but is too obviously digital in full size.

If you really did scale it as much as you said then well done, I couldn't make scale-ups come out that well - but in all honesty its enough for people to look elsewhere. The only solution would be to vector out the renders but that would require a paramount of effort.

So all in all with what you got you did a great job. Nice to see some work from you Tetris.
Awesome wallpaper, totally dig that splatter efect Madwin
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