24/04/2010, 04:04 PM
Pages: 1 2
24/04/2010, 06:38 PM
thanks everyone
i tried to get more focus but i think that failed too
if i go to a smaller aperture id end up getting camera shake :(
my camera isn't exactly good at high ISO
pro ? .. what?
thanks V1 ^_^
its peanut kisses!
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]pic1: i like candy!! i would have tried to get the front 2 or 1 candy/candy's 100% in focus,. maybe wee bit more depth. looks very pro!
i tried to get more focus but i think that failed too
if i go to a smaller aperture id end up getting camera shake :(
my camera isn't exactly good at high ISO
pro ? .. what?
thanks V1 ^_^
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]pic2: is that poop?
its peanut kisses!
Pages: 1 2