Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Why am i so god damn unlucky
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yesterday some fudgeing insect bit me !!ON THE NIGHT OF MY EXAM!! Roar and I was allergenic to it my whole body was itching i just wanted to scratch my eyeball's out Ahh and while it was the only study that i was starting to understated something from it i couldn't read for it any more Facepalm and again i fudgeed up my exam Whyowhyi just don't know why I'm so fudgeing unlucky why should something like this suddenly happen to me on a time like this Whyowhy
cry more, it helps.
PSPkiller Wrote: [ -> ]Balls

^ That.

That's pretty unlucky indeed.. do you know if you're able to retake it when you've recovered? :/
PSPkiller Wrote: [ -> ]Balls

are inert.
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]cry more, it helps.

Lol, mean.

Whatever, not like I'm much better.
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]cry more, it helps.

....maybe you angered the wrong person...?now you are being punished??
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]cry more, it helps.

Lol, mean.

Whatever, not like I'm much better.

He is indeed a cold heartless person.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]cry more, it helps.

Lol, mean.

Whatever, not like I'm much better.

He is indeed a cold heartless person.

well although he's a heartless one but he's kinda right crying really helps but not this time because at the best possibility i will get 1 from 8 on my exam and there is no going back and you know what's worse my father him self is a professor in our university and he knows most of the professors there and I'm ruining his reputation in the university with my terrible grade's this is what's really killing me Whyowhy
PSPkiller Wrote: [ -> ]Balls

and I said eyeball's not ball's Heyyou although i must admit my that even my ball's are terribly itching Dotdotdot
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]cry more, it helps.

....maybe you angered the wrong person...?now you are being punished??
To be honest i never hurt people that much that they wish i would get punished Emptyone
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