Endless Paradigm

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???? Wrote: [ -> ]
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]cry more, it helps.
make sure you are alone...

BUT, videotape it and upload the video for the world to see YayYayYay
Itching Balls...

Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Davis Wrote: [ -> ]You can always kill yourself... just sayin'. ;o


Well if killing myself would have worked be sure i would have done that year's ago but it's no use you'll just go to hell and that's even worse Whyowhy and to kill yourself you don't need to read any book's all you need is a good razor! Noway
xero1 Wrote: [ -> ]
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
xero1 Wrote: [ -> ]
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Davis Wrote: [ -> ]You can always kill yourself... just sayin'. ;o


Read a great book called the Final Exit. ;)

I see why you might have suggested it but I don't think its the greatest of suggestions in the topic involving our good friend bloodangel... lol.

He knows I'm kidding, and if not he should.

A big part of me things in some cases thinks, people die when they should. At the point they become too weak. If someone kills themselves, they are too weak and should die.

Darwinism For the win

and i also think people die only when they have no use for this world although not when they themself's think they have no use for this world Specky hope you get what i mean!
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]
???? Wrote: [ -> ]
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]cry more, it helps.
make sure you are alone...

BUT, videotape it and upload the video for the world to see YayYayYay

no if i ever feel too useless I'm gonna become a serial killer Hahaha well at least i would still become famous or I'll go and drop myself down the Eiffel tower at least that would be an amazing self destruction that everyone would remember Hoho
Sick_Demented99 Wrote: [ -> ]Itching Balls...


OH yeah the itch like hell Burning feel's like spoon
J'adore le paissons Wrote: [ -> ]It's karma for something, karma has been a bitch to me this week maybe it has you too 0_o

yeah but i wish i could understand the reason I'm so god damn confused university feel's like hell there are all this spoon head student they are totally rubbish bookworm's they study 48 hour a day!! although that's not what bother's me they are so fudgeing selfish and they are such asshole's and i don't really much luck what I'm studying i only chose it cause my dad always dreamed of me becoming a mechanical engineer and i wanted him to feel prode off me for once in his life and well back then i didn't know how spoon university was i personally liked computer engineering and then again I have my guitar on the other hand if anybody in the university knows I play electric guitar they'll say i worship the devil Noway they already call me a stupid girl for my long hair and I'm really good at drawing and stuff like that but I've never even gone to a drawing class I'm starting to think maybe i should have choose art but I'm already in my 4th term and there is no way I'm going to start over again in this university I'm really so confused i don't know what to do Whyowhy what would you do if you were me ?!
whoa, triple posts....couldn't ya like...do it in one post within a spoiler??
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]whoa, triple posts....couldn't ya like...do it in one post within a spoiler??

I...Didn't...know...ha..how.. t..to..do..that!?!? Dotdotdot
bloodangel619 Wrote: [ -> ]
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]whoa, triple posts....couldn't ya like...do it in one post within a spoiler??

I...Didn't...know...ha..how.. t..to..do..that!?!? Dotdotdot

Type [ spoiler ] (don't space them) then [ / spoiler ] (once again don't space)

Had to write that way or this would happen

nothing interesting in here... just an exampe

[spoiler]Text goes here :D[/spoiler]

There ya go.....friend

Quote:Why am i so god damn unlucky
Because Hayate is always so god damn unlucky...
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