Endless Paradigm

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Yeah, I agree Wendy is awesome....mmm....Wendy's chilli Drink
theEvilOne Wrote: [ -> ]
xero1 Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, why isn't wendy's an option?

So, yeah wendy's....

Wendy's is awesome, but it's too expensive, especially if I'm going to have to be buying my friend dinner...

They have a good deal now. 2.99 isn't that bad.

xero1 Wrote: [ -> ]
theEvilOne Wrote: [ -> ]
xero1 Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, why isn't wendy's an option?

So, yeah wendy's....

Wendy's is awesome, but it's too expensive, especially if I'm going to have to be buying my friend dinner...

They have a good deal now. 2.99 isn't that bad.


Meh...Dollar Menu for the win.
./xitherun.sh Wrote: [ -> ]TACO GODDAMMMN BELL

Well I'm leaning towards McDonald's now, as I eat Taco Bell about twice a week at the minimum.
fudge you, I never eat taco bell. I had it last night for the first time in days.
lol, neither have I....its been months since I have been to a Taco Bell....maybe I should go tomorrow... Hmmm
./xitherun.sh Wrote: [ -> ]TACO GODDAMMMN BELL
You best be getting some motherfuckin TB.
Well guys, sorry to ruin the universe and everything, but I had Carl's Jr.
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