Endless Paradigm

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This is a problem which stumped me for about a minute once I was told it.  Dunno how good you guys are, but let's see if you can figure it out.

3 people decided to share a hotel room for a night, costing $300 in total for the night.  They decided to split the costs evenly, so that's $100 paid each.
After they paid, a while later, a clerk realises that they were overcharged, and that the room really cost only $250 for the night.  The clerk, trying to be a bit sneaky, decides to only refund $30, keeping $20 to himself.
This $30 refund is split evenly amongst the 3 people.
In other words, each effectively paid $90 ($100 - $10), or $270 in total.  Now, since the clerk took $20, the amount paid + "'borrowed'" amount is $290.  But $300 was originally paid.  Where did the extra $10 go?
bleh.. never did figure out where the 1 went :/

(the problem they told me a long time ago was missing 1 not 10 .. but that's the same i think )
the room did't cost 250 because the bell-boy took 20,. the room was 270<>? or something like that,. GOODMORNING!!
Wait I'm lost what extra 10$

New rate = 250
Refund = 30
'borrowed' = 20
Total = 300
weird....some guy I know told me the same thing yesterday, never did figure it out either, now I really need to find out
math is reversed somewhere, to eraly to try to figure it out... :/


Each paid @ new rate:


Refund for each:


Clerk 'borrowed':



83.33~ x 3 = 250
10 x 3 = 30
'borrowed' 20
total = 300
The $20 the clerk took are already in the paid amount, he got his twenty out of the $270, to make it add up you add the $30 refunded not the $20 because that's already in the paid for amount.

$300 - initial cost
$250 - real cost
$50 - difference
$30 - amount refunded
$20 - amount pocketed
$90*3=270 - actual amount paid (includes the $20 pocketed)
* Mythos runz with da 10 bucks
Mickey Wrote: [ -> ]The $20 the clerk took are already in the paid amount, he got his twenty out of the $270, to make it add up you add the $30 refunded not the $20 because that's already in the paid for amount.

$300 - initial cost
$250 - real cost
$50 - difference
$30 - amount refunded
$20 - amount pocketed
$90*3=270 - actual amount paid (includes the $20 pocketed)

This. The numbers appear ringht in writing, but really its 250+20=270, not 270+20 = 290

I think??
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