Endless Paradigm

Full Version: someone want to make me an awesome sig and/or wallpaper?
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using this render? My current wallpaper, while featuring the render, isn't very awesome. :p

I Inluv you guys. :D
you know what my graphical talent is like man: poor. otherwise id help ya out :D

edit: nevermind it's 1280x800

im making it at 1920x1200 and scaling it down
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]resolution?

edit: nevermind it's 1280x800

im making it at 1920x1200 and scaling it down


[Image: ffxiii1280.png]

enjoy xitherun :D

hope you likes it

i have a 1920 x 1200 version too, on DeviantArt.
^ Holy Spoon!

That's awesome Proper!
eee, I lurve it. ;D

thank you PB!

but it's too bright for my theme, lol.

maybe a darker version?
Xith, I thought you were good at photo editing?
haha no. I've always been somewhat mediocre at graphics and what not lol.
wow...O__O, that is awesome Properbritish Madwin
you've outdone yourself friend
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