Endless Paradigm

Full Version: i cant read mod notice
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well i thought i was a mod but i can't read the moderator notice :(

anyone else have this problem?

You do not have permission to access this page. This could be because of one of the following reasons:

   1. Your account has either been suspended or you have been banned from accessing this resource.
   2. You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't be? Check in the forum rules that you are allowed to perform this action.
   3. Your account may still be awaiting activation or moderation. (Resend Activation Code)
   4. You have accessed this page directly rather than using appropriate forms or link.

You are currently logged in with the username: 'Shady545'

isn't this just that forum bug thingy? Hmmm

meh. im not a mod so i don't have permission either way :D
i can't either
Can't.  Need to ask Zinga to fix... or maybe he intended it that way?
Same, just wait for Zinga to fix it.
Can't see it either....
I think it's a bug...
was the notice about,. :saying hooker" >? because i could,.  i am on IE :)

when i change 1 letter in my sign i have to remove 577 letters to make it fit,. ;p
yeah i saw the notice yesterday but i couldnt see it either.
Yeah I have that same problem as well.

... To be quite honest though. I forgot all about moderator reports until I read this thread >_>;
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