Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Holy #$%&! Wtf @ gamers
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Pages: 1 2
hecaitomix Wrote: [ -> ]i need one.

Me too..

But sleep is important too.... Lets you dream!
Made for april fools
Sadly, even it were true, it would go through a gazillion controversy realms.
Or do gamers have a care about diet?
Even if I was an avid gamer, I wouldn't want to use this.
I know your capitalization intends sarcasm but wouldn't it get boring to play the same game for that long?
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]^
I know your capitalization intends sarcasm but wouldn't it get boring to play the same game for that long?

In Soviet Russia game plays you!
ZOMG I've Ordered 3 so I can taken all at Once.....just you wait pacman ghosts...I'll be back, with a VENGENCE
"What will they think up next?"
                                           - Willy Wonka
Pages: 1 2
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