Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Sony Cancels PSP Social Networking Service "Room"
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April 15, 2010 - Sony announced it has canceled Room, its social networking service planned for release on PSP.

[Image: psp-room-screenshot.jpg]

First unveiled during the Tokyo Game Show in 2009, Room was positioned as Sony's portable extension of PlayStation 3's Home service. Room allowed users to customize the look of his or her avatar, decorate a room, post blogs, and chat with friends.

Room had been in beta in Japan since Fall 2009. Sony provided no explanation for canceling the service.

Heyyou it sucks Whyowhy
Now stop working on the PSP and start working on a PSP2.

Seriously, they are falling behind the times and will lose to Apple and Nintendo.
Eh, I forgot about this and I don't care that it's canceled.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Eh, I forgot about this and I don't care that it's canceled.

^ that
Hmmm..  What does it matter anyway?
I really hate to say it, but I think the PSP scene is on it's last legs.   I highly doubt wee will ever see a stable 6.XX cfw or a 6.XX HEN.    

C'mon !   It's been 5 years SONY.   Give us PSP2 !!!!
Room? Never heard of it. But yes, wee need a PSP2.
It would have been a good project but they might have already noticed that PSP is really dieing now and they might have saved it for PSP2! I don't know what this god damn sony's donig I just hope they're not thinking of another stupid PSP1 like PSP 5000!!!
Oi, maybe they are saving this for the PSP2, although never really got into that sorta thing, but who knows....
I am eagerly awaiting the PSP2 these days Yay
Damn that....Whyowhy

I'm just waiting for Room....then WhyowhyIf
Sony needs to take the finger out and give us, PSN friends list for psp  Drink
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