19/04/2010, 09:27 PM
19/04/2010, 10:14 PM
I thought the Go was Sony's version of a "PSP2"...
19/04/2010, 11:35 PM
They are removing all the social things on the PSP. No Go!Messenger. No Room.
21/04/2010, 07:08 AM
j_p_24 Wrote: [ -> ]They are removing all the social things on the PSP. No Go!Messenger. No Room.
hmmmm... yeah, but why are they doing that?
21/04/2010, 01:23 PM
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]\"(÷[s@m]÷)\" Wrote: [ -> ]bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]Sony needs to take the finger out and give us, PSN friends list for psp
as much as i agree with you mate, wouldn't that require the psp to almost constantly be connected to the internet? you got a workaround? tell me! tellme!
yeah only when you want to go online to talk to your friends like the ps3 "same as going to the playstation store you can click sign in psn and all of your friends from ps3/psp will be there and you could message them and use the psp built in mic to talk to your ps3 friends because i used to have a ps3 and it would be amazing, but sony is just
Me ps3 username ( weeman911) I'm gonna get a ps3 soon.
so it wouldn't constantly be showing what game you were playing e.t.c.? i suppose it could show what game you HAD been playing... But then it wouldn't be much use to your friends, because it would say you were offline...