Endless Paradigm

Full Version: A moment of helplessness....
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Pages: 1 2 3
A friend just showed me this.....
[Image: lolwp.jpg]

The internet is a wonderfully horrible place xD


what's lemonparty.org?
how about try it out and see? :3
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]how about try it out and see? :3

mmm.. no thanks :D
No, no one should ever visit that link....

I wonder how many of these facebook things are actually real :P
"lamebook.com", hmm...

Still amusing.
Poor grandma.
Indeed Zinga, indeed Hihi
Hahahaha, I'm usually too nice to try that though I think I've done something similar to a few n00bs in the help section of -hacks.
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