Endless Paradigm

Full Version: $30,000 PSX Auction
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I have not paid for a single game since February 2005 when I got all my systems modded (GC, XBOX, PS2, etc..)

Wow! Those games bring back hella memories..

Tomb Raider, Jet moto 2,...«- great games
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Quote:Alternatively, you could probably buy a slave
Actually, multiple, if you get 'em cheap:
Quote:Reducing the price of slaves to as low as US$40 in Mali for young adult male laborers, to a high of US$1000 or so in Thailand for HIV-free young females suitable for use in brothels (where they frequently contract HIV). This represents the price paid to the person, or parents.
- Source: [Wikipedia]


Or get 30 "hookers" for life.

tough decision

how bout i start a war with hookers O_O !!!!
or get half of the games and get 15 hookers for life :yipi:
Wow, that's alot of games.
lol that is aloT! of games.
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