Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Photoshop CS5 Content aware fill (GODSHOP)
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Pages: 1 2 3
seriously this is awesome
it really is like A.I

Holy spoon!! D:

I wasn't impressed with CS4 but CS5....do want!
( 0Д0)
wow...its *edit* damn */edit* cool...but now it will be easy to look like you are good at photoshop :-/
* SkyDX lacks 64bit OS due to laziness... Sadist
That looks crazy, and on the same level, rather amazed at how it manages to guess details like that...

that's fudgeing immense O_O

do want
i thought i seen a version of cs5 released last night?
i pretty sure i seen a scene release of it.
Question, how good would Photoshop run in a VM?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]That looks crazy, and on the same level, rather amazed at how it manages to guess details like that...

Youtube far too blurry to see what's really going on and how it really looks.

Any good quality vids of this?
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