13/04/2010, 08:07 PM
I was born in America, so technically, yes, i am American; though i have moved to Canada now though and gained citizenship, i would have to say i dislike America's influence around the world. It's quite ridiculous to hate a countries people, but in general, the average American lives under a fallacy that his country is the "best" in terms of moral responsibilities, world influence and economic power. While many of these claims may hold true in some sense, America is also threatened by the fact that they are largely in debt, with Obama (for better or worse) is driving their debt even higher and the fact that the Chinese (though they most probably won't do this) hold many of their -treasuries-; having the ability to totally waste the economy over here. They started wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, then with failing to establish government in either places (they created turmoil to shove down what they thought was justice, hell wee can still blame "they were in it for the oil") and wanting to pull their troops. This created the above mentioned turmoil in the countries and crippling their own economy because they wasted so much on military strength.
Any bigot American would obviously believe that his country is great, when they are in fact, crippling themselves and others; leading to the consensus; i don't hate America's people, just what they are doing right now and the zealots that follow. I only hope Obama can somehow pull them out of the gutter, then again, wee're talking about presidential power, which means little to congress in general...
P.S. You can live in America , yes, it's not a bad place to be.
Any bigot American would obviously believe that his country is great, when they are in fact, crippling themselves and others; leading to the consensus; i don't hate America's people, just what they are doing right now and the zealots that follow. I only hope Obama can somehow pull them out of the gutter, then again, wee're talking about presidential power, which means little to congress in general...
P.S. You can live in America , yes, it's not a bad place to be.
P.S.S. I would assume people may want to start a debate with this post, but i have a lot of calculus and physics work i need to attend to, so i probably won't be able to reply to carry on the said debate...