Endless Paradigm

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Misanthropy.~ Yay
fat lady Wrote:Stranger:  i don't like/connect with anyone here really
Stranger: I'm love life never really existed
Stranger: and I'm kinda trying to cope with the idea that I'll be alone for a long time
You: I see
You: Are you ugly
You: or fat?
Stranger: lol harsh
Stranger: that shouldn't have anything to do with it
You: It matters to me
Stranger: it's more to do with my shyness
You: it is one of the only things that matters to me
You: shy girls are cute
Stranger: well then i despise people like you
You: if your fat
You: do some jumping jacks
You: if you are ugly...
You: I pity you
You: nothing can be done
You: it isn't your fault
You: but you're still ugly
You: I refuse
Stranger: you're gonna be alone forever
Stranger: fudgeing moron
I Hahaha'd
tHAT made me smile Peace
That's guy's a retard.  Not because of his anti-americanism, I don't care about that, his personal view, meh whatever.  But because he fails at reasoning and the only thing he can come up with is the same sentence over and over 20 times.

Slushie, you are arrogant.
I may be arrogant...
but how would he know that?
I tried my best to be as unbiased and un arrogant as possible to him

the only place I failed is when I failed to accept that he has every right to hate america
Slushie, I rate you higher than I previously thought.

What's up with country hate maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan [/hippy voice]
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]I may be arrogant...
but how would he know that?
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]
Anti American Wrote:You: No offense
You: but I don't even recognize greece as a major world power

You: and that our armed forces, resources, and population far exceed what yours could ever become

You: and unless your little country can somehow overthrow America
You: Wee're probably going to stay here

You: and if anyone talks back to us
You: And if all reasoning fails
You: wee have a spoon load of fudgeing guns to force our way onto people

You: because nobody fudgeing knows who you are
You: and nobody gives a spoon what happens to you
You: if you dissapear tomorrow I doubt anyone but the countries around you will notice
You: when america dissapears
You: a chocolate load of people will miss it

Not arrogant?  Even if a lot of that stuff is probably true, you're still way arrogant.

BTW:  You should've told him his country's economy is going so bad his _government_ had to get bailed out by the rest of Europe (this is true by the way)... would've caused a lot of RAGE and would be very amusing.
I suppose... but I am rather arrogant lol
I know nothing of European history

but I don't claim all Europeans suck, because I know nothing about them
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]I know nothing of European history
Sounds like you know nothing about current affairs much either :P

But eh, it's Omegle.
This is pretty much what I read.

Slushba: [inoffensive logical point/argument]
Stranger: [somewhat offensive, illogical argument like a child]

Rinse and repeat for however long the conversation went.

My view on america: alright place to be, I suppose. If I had to live there, I wouldn't mind terribly. Good thing is that I wouldn't have to worry about my country pissing off america and getting invaded, for obvious reasons.
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