Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [LP]Wild Summons
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Pages: 1 2
Finally got sometime to fire up PS and try to finish what I had started.

I would say that this ver1. probably can be improved massively, so is still mostly WIP. Still, my skills were never worthy of a mention, so trying my best with what I can.

Comments please!

EDIT: Made a few changes.

Updated it a little. Added more lighting and fixed the eye level..

[Image: Wild_Summons_by_feinicks.jpg]

Tell me how it is now...

ver 1
[Image: WildSummons.jpg]
its fudging scary man!!

(CS5 will be out soon :))
It is supposed to indicate certain evil traits so I take that as a compliment! ^_^

(Hell yea! I'm waiting to get my hands on CS5! It has got some neat new features!)
Hell yeah. So much better fein. Nice work.
Love it, really nice! Madwin
Pretty grim.
Good job, definitely much better.
This looks awesome! Great job feinicks! Madwin
I frickin love it! Love how you were able to use so many colors and yet still convey a scary feel to it. Beautiful!
holy spoon that is so sexy.
Pages: 1 2
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