1. how I can remove the icons of XMB?
online instructions Manuals
LocationFree Player
Remote play
RSS Canal
Playstation Notwork etc.
2. how to change the functions of the icons of XMB?
3. elimination of unnecessary options in CTF Theme, How?
Settings Theme - remove Original, classic and breakfast.
blackenstorm Wrote: [ -> ]Hello.
1. how I can remove the icons of XMB?
online instructions Manuals
LocationFree Player
Remote play
RSS Canal
Playstation Notwork etc.
2. how to change the functions of the icons of XMB?
3. elimination of unnecessary options in CTF Theme, How?
Settings Theme - remove Original, classic and breakfast.
You have made two of the same post man delete one of them
Lol breakfast? I have cookies.
Also, I'm 90% sure you can't remove icons...
xmb icon changer by total_noob
Wait, do posts in this forum normally appear on the front page?
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, do posts in this forum normally appear on the front page?
No they do not, it is because he posted in the wrong section... by the way, ppl who suggested XMB Icon Changer are correct, that is how you "remove" icons.
hi. do you have CFW
for the icons, I recommend RCO editor.
--=HOW TO REMOVE ICONS(for n00bs)=--
-Use a 1x1 png file
-Open topmenu_icon.rco on RCO Editor
-Replace the icons with the 1x1 png image on RCO editor
-you're done.
Don't know about the changing the function of the buttons though
e.g: change the net update to reboot