Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Flower™ Dynamic CTF
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[Image: previewvm.jpg]

Hi everyone i'am proud to present you guys my first ctf theme hope u like it the theme is available for 5.50 & 5.00 watch the video showing the theme in action Drink

ps: 8 weeks of work but only 2 days for the animations Ahhyes

added subfolders for the 500 version:)

all icons for 550 now visible
the osk for 550 is now fixed I've resized the background image from 480x272 to 109x60 and of course it is animated;p
tested on a psp phat with 550gen

sign in icon added
some shadows from the 550 osk plugin removed

newest versions

older versions
lol, I like this game, thanks for the theme.
Great avatar , think your sig needs more work though, good luck!

EDIT: Almost forgot about the theme Ahhyes
Well it is very well made, I really like it, this will be my default theme for a long time to come Madwin
Great job and thanks for sharing, hope to see more, but no pressure ok?

Didn't notice this but the grass moves Madwin

Awesome theme!

frankzito Wrote: [ -> ]2 days for the animations Ahhyes

Noway you're kidding me right?!
This is so fudgeing coool.
Good work.
Thank a lot man. Madwin

frankzito Wrote: [ -> ]ps: 8 weeks of work but only 2 days for the animations Ahhyes
I work in a theme for 2.5 years now and i still can't finish it. Dotdotdot
Great theme!

I guess the OSK is only custom in the 5.00 version.
wow!  very impressive...so smooth and calm feeling :)
That is so...cool and tranquil, I love it!~ <3
Yep!Looks very cool,im gona test it,
buy im still staying on:
[Image: screenshot041h.png]
i really love the theme but some icons are messed-up :( and all system sub icons are gone,. also when i first selected the theme the PSP was locked completely i had to pull the battery ;p

i really love to see a 100% working version,.

Did you convert a 500 version to a 550 version?

here is some screenshots,.:
i prob remove all shadow icons to get more resources,.
[Image: jre1dc.jpg]

[Image: 2wbyq1u.jpg]

i tested some more,. i get random lock-ups when rebooting psp,. :( maybe its my crappy PSP-2000 ;p
i am using the 550gen version

Flower theme looks sooooo cool!! Madwin
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