Well i had the idea to convert my psp to an ir controler.So i tried the universal
remote but i didn't find the remote code which i wanted.
So i found the iR Commander 0.8 and i said to try it.
I downloaded and i installed on my psp but it was corrupted.I installed it again but the same.
Then i searched for about 3 months and i found the way to fix it.
the problem was that the ir commander 0.8 builded for the first CFWs and from
the 2.71 SE and above shows as corrupted.
Anyway now it works from 2.71 SE until the 5.00 M33.
5.50 isn't supported yet cause the 1.50 kernel isn't released yet and leda doesn't
work with 5.50 GEN.
This is only for the PSP 100X (Phat psps) and it works with 1.50 kernel or leda.
Of curse all credits goes to Ahman for his incredible iR Commander 0.8. Conversion/fix done by nickxab.
Beta test by elite999(LEDA) and nickxab(1.50 kernel).
Shame I don't really know of anything I could use this for. (v_v`)
1.50 kernel is better cause there isn't only 5.xx M33/GEN with 1.50 Kernel.
There is also 4.xx M33/GEN with 1.50 Kernel and 3.xx M33/GEN with 1.50 Kernel.
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]epic stuff, ill be awaiting the GEN support
Yeah i know.
And it is funny too.
But the problem with the 5.50 GEN is that leda doesn't work and the 1.50 kernel isn't released yet.
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]Wait so I can control like home appliances such as tv, and other stuff, with my PSP? Well, I sincerely hope a GEN update is in the works...
Yep !
You can control iR devises.
You can use it if you emulate the 1.50 from your ms.
Otherwise go to a CFW with 1.50 kernel support until GEN release their 1.50 kernel.
Cyonix Wrote: [ -> ]I'm gonna have some fun with this :D