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Full Version: [Spring '10] Senseis Anime Pilot Quickfire [Latest: K-ON!! (Season 2)]
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Usui...thank you!! ;_;
I'm hoping for Hakuouki, Rainbow and Night Raid for tonight.

Fingers crossed!
angel beats so far 7.5/10, good foundation but this episode felt like it was missing something... a lot left to be explained

kaichou wa maid-sama - about 8/10 so far

take into account i do rate higher on average because i only bother to start the stuff i really want to see
You probably know, but the first low quality raws may be about and the OPs and EDs are all over YouTube........ K-ON!! is coming.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]You probably know, but the first low quality raws may be about and the OPs and EDs are all over YouTube........ K-ON!! is coming.

Tonight I will do Hakuouki and........


#coalguys providing the speedsubs you hate to love.

Yup, just skippied through and its proper.

[CoalGuys] K-ON!! S2 - 01 [DC424FCD].mkv

Added: K-ON!! (Season 2)

Hakuouki will come tomorrow.
This time I'll actually watch K-On dl'd, last season (including the special) I youtubed it.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]This time I'll actually watch K-On dl'd, last season (including the special) I youtubed it.


You are forgiven.
Yui is abnormally cute this season...Nosebleed

[Image: 20100407_keion_ep01b_072.jpg]

^double you tee eff? lololol <33
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