Endless Paradigm

Full Version: April Fools? But I'm not laughing...
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Turns out Zinga's name-changing prank isn't that bad....

Over at deviantArt, all avatars & signatures are now Twilight or Lady GaGa related...and a LOT of people, myself included, aren't happy about it.  I HATE Twilight more than anything, even more than Chode Messiah O_O

I know a number of other people here have dA accounts, so I'm wondering, are you as pissed off as I am about it?
^ don't use dA that often, sounds pretty LOL though to be honest.

no need to go ape-shit over something that's gonna last a day.
Hey!! I have 10k views!! :O


Well I don't use DA, I don't submit my drawn art on the internet.
If I remember, the one year all the avatars changed to Mudkipz.
Wht get pisses off about it.  It's not like it's permanent.  :-/
i wish they have more rickroll in DA than lady gaga or twilight, i hate that both
hmm wait, will there will be another glitch in our psp the m33 easter egg? lol tomorrow is March 33
Really? I will check it out, I have a DA page but I don't submit art I just have it say I have it Peace
I haz same avy as lunar.

I don't like either things...
whew i got lady gaga.
it's better than Twilight :P
Not funny but annoying to see
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