Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PRXdecrypter 2.4b (keys up to 6.20) + some news *UPDATED 29/03*
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[Image: 24DNN.png]

Quote:UPDATE: 2.4b released (29th March)
2.4a -» 2.4b
- Decryption error for an old key, tag 0x4C940AF0, fixed.
- Decryption key added for pops_04g.prx from 6.XX firmwares - tag 0x457B1EF0
- Slightly more information when encryption is likely to fail (SHA-1 check warning)
- NOTE: key for tag 0x2E5E10F0 does not appear to be working due to a new encryption method. I'll look into it.
- New EBOOT.BIN key added for tag 0x2E5E12F0. As above, might not work.
wooo nice to know jas0nuk is still developing :)
SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ]wooo nice to know jas0nuk is still developing :)

Yes, this is very nice of him to continue supporting the scene, even after he no longer even owns a PSP !

jas0nuk - you are a good man.  GOD bless you.
nice work.......
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