Nah, just kidding.
But with me posting that I bet you thought it was true without a second though huh?
Nope actually the title is in reference to the older "free porn" thread.
yes, that's right a new AACS key has been hacked.
here you go
45 5F E1 04 22 CA 29 C4 93 3F 95 05 2B 79 2A B2
But... with this key, I can watch pirated HD hershey kisses for free!!!! IT IS FREE hershey kisses :)
And what exactly is this key? What does it do? Why would it start a riot if it was posted on Digg?
Basically it allows ripping of HD-DVD and Blu-Ray discs.
Equivalent to cracking DRM for music/videos.
The organization that oversees the use of the AACS codes sent Cease and Desist Letters, DMCA letters, etc to various websites where users posted the previous cracked code.
Needless to say the whole internet rioted over the perceived thread and the code started popping up everywhere, posts, jpgs, avi, mpegs, youtube, digg, and various other places and methods.
Heck someone even wrote a song.
Its the ultimate display of how no one can control information once it has reached the internet.
And now for Round Two.
So people can rip PS3 games now?
But how would you play the ripped ISO?
As for PS3 I wouldn't know.
How could reduce one of the most AMAZING things to happen on the internet to ISO piracy?
Seriously some people are not aware of how important some things are.
If you could play back ups on ps3, then i would get one..
But thet way things are looking 360 is the way to go
metal_gear08 Wrote:So people can rip PS3 games now?
AACS is for movies. It is Irrelevant to PS3 games. Data uses different protection technologies than videos and audio. (may be relevant to video in PS3 games though)
Anyways, back then, they ripped Xbox images by reconnecting the Xbox drive to the PC, and then programming it to rip the image. They could alwyas try something like that for the PS3. It could work. But the PS3 would still be able to detect a non authentic game, even if u manage to copy it propperly, thus u have to wait for a modchip. :(
|-Anubis-| Wrote:Heck someone even wrote a song.
i want that song. :mdr: