ORGAN Wrote:yea i did update to 3.50 i have 3 psp's
I had the option to get a second one, but I'm so sick of my original DS so I'm going to get a DS Lite instead.
mmzzz?? there is 3.50OE?? lolzz... what's new about 3.50 =.=
i wasn't in the hacking scene for a week now lolz.. was working fulttime ><
good news
99.9% of the 3.50 is decrypted with the 3.30 decrypted
ONLY the REBOOT.BIN is not extracted/decrypted (psp turn off when in get to that point)
new thing
the text files the tell the psp how to boot and where all the prx are in "flash0/kd" are the one file "pspbtcnf.bin
uuuhh right... and how does that get to add any new features for the official people lolz....
thought they would come up with some more features to lure legit suckers in.....
here was new features
mokyurin Wrote:sony computer enterntainment japan has released 3.50 firmware for PSP.
now you can connect PSP and PS3 to access contents on PS3.
PSP already has remoteplay, access local network PS3's contents via PSP, function by 3.00 firmware.
now 3.50 have added function to access PS3 via internet.
you can view pictures, and control&view some contents on PS3.
you have to upgrade PS3 to firmware 1.80 to use this internetplay service.
what you can access via remoteplay is, pictures, musics, movies and now, browse internet through PS3's browser.
this is for not even contents stored in PS3's HDD, you can also use DLNA compatible devices.
But you can not play PS3 games through PSP.
but you have to make sure you already have membership of PLAYSTATION NoTWORK.
RSS channel has expanded some functions of podcast.
Now RSS guide has been added to the menu, which introduce podcast contents.
you have to connect to internet to use RSS guides.
I posted what was new with the FW dump
aahh lolz... i just visited psp-hacks (didnt go there for ages, as u noticed im not there spoonfeeding)
Yea... i thought there was 3.50Oe lolz... my bad.. so its official 3.50 eh... the new features sound gay lolz.... luring legit freaks and their Ps3s =x
Why do they keep adding useless features that I haven't even heard of into the PSP?
Its a shame about the 3.50 RCOs but hopefully 3.40 RCOs are still compatible.
About time...
Meh. Who cares about a 3.50 OE? Unless DAX adds something useful :P
yeah. I'm staying with my 3.30 OE-A'.