Endless Paradigm

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What's with those creatures?  I've seen them being posted so often... :(
from star wars ya , not sure of there names looking ............
They are Mon Calimari

Yeah Information Technology Support (I make computers work again)

Zinga... I thought you could be an Aussie with a name like that.... Would you like chips with your PSP? :intello:


LOL, never thought "Zinga" would be Aussie...  >_>
probably isn't but it's just like an Aussie to call them self  Zinga Burger.... it's like calling your self Mc Muffins
Makes sense I guess.

wyldkard?  I don't get it... Erk
Just a name  I came up with when I first had to have a name online back in 95
O_O You were online in '95?

You are old....

Welcome Though (^_^)b
hes only 36..i think our oldest member is in his 40's.
welcome to ep n have fun
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